Download Aqua - Flat & Responsive Dashboard

8:10 AM


Aqua is a flat dashboard template based on Boostrap 3 and Bootflat. It’s designed to be clean and easy to customize. Aqua has a great collection of plugins and works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets and phones.


  • Minimal & Lightweight
  • Built with Bootstrap 3
  • Easy customizable
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Cross browser
  • Uses Brick instead of Google Fonts (see why
  • Have a question? Ask me!

HTML Pages

  • Dashboard
  • UI Elements
    • General
    • Buttons
    • Panels
    • Font Awesome
  • Components
    • Grid
    • Calendar
    • Gallery
  • Extra Pages
    • Sign In
    • Sign Up
    • Pricing Tables
    • Blank Page
    • 404 Error
    • 500 Error
  • Forms
    • Form Components
    • Advanced Components
    • Form Validation
  • Data Tables
    • Normal Pagination
    • 2 Button Pagination
    • 4 Button Pagination
    • Full Pagination
  • Charts
    • Morris
    • Chartjs
    • Flot


  • Open Sans
  • Ion Icons
  • Font Awesome


  • Bootflat
  • Animate.CSS
  • Bootstrap DateTimePicker
  • Raphael
  • Morris
  • Flot
  • ChartJS
  • FullCalendar
  • Zabuto Calendar
  • DataTables
  • FancyBox
  • miniNotification


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