Download Barnaul - Strong Landing Pages

5:31 PM


Barnaul is a strong landing page templates for app landing, company or coming soon page


  • 3 Templates: App, Video & Coming Soon Pages
  • Bootstrap 3 + LESS
  • HTML5 + CSS3
  • Working AJAX Feedback and Newsletter forms
  • Easy to Customize
  • Well Self-documented HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP code
  • Help Guide with How-to for beginners
  • Post-sale Support

Design and Other Features

  • Strong Trendy Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Parallax Background
  • Smooth Page Scrolling
  • Rotating Reviews
  • Pricing Tables
  • Google Webfonts
  • Over 500+ Font Icons
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE9+ Compatible

Files Included

  • 3 HTML pages
  • 6 PHP files
  • 1 Documentation HTML page
  • Background Image included
ATTENTION: Images of computer and phone in live preview are not included to the template.


  • iPhone & iMac Mock-up — Pixelden
  • Google Font — Source Sans Pro
  • Batch Icon Font — Adam Whichcroft
  • Bootstrap 3 CSS Framework
  • Entypo icons (social part) — Entypo, compiled by Iconmoon
  • Fotorama Image Gallery — Anton Polikarpov
  • Scrollyeah puts floats in single line — Anton Polikarpov
  • gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way - Gustavo Leon
  • jQuery Countdown show a countdown to a given time — Keith Wood
  • FitVids A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds — Chris Coyier & Dave Rupert
  • jQuery Validation Plugin — Jörn Zaefferer
  • Lightbox2 — Lokesh Dhakar, Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
  • Stellar parallax has never been easier — Mark Dalgleish

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