Download Perfect Admin - Bootstrap Admin Template

6:24 AM


Perfect Admin is a fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3.0 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Build with bootstrap3
  • Responsive Design
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • 7 Different theme colors
  • Flat UI with clean design
  • Many components
  • Cross-browser compatible
If your have any problems, bugs, issues or requests, feel free to send us a message with your suggestions and we will consider adding it to next updates.
Change Log
  • Initial release
Plugins include
  • jQuery UI
  • Chosen
  • jQuery minicolors
  • Datatables
  • Datepicker
  • Font awesome
  • Full calendar
  • Gritter
  • Masked input
  • jQuery slimScroll
  • jQuery Sparkline
  • Timepicker
  • Wysihtml5
  • Colorbox
  • Dropzone
  • jQuery Tags input
  • jQuery cookie
  • Slider for Bootstrap
  • Raphael
  • Morris
  • Nestable List
  • Parsley
  • jQuery Waypoint
  • jQuery LocalScroll
  • jQuery ScrollTo
  • jQuery ui map
  • Google Code Prettify
  • Google Web Fonts
Flickr Photos All images viewed in the live preview are for demo purposes only and are not included with your purchase. All images are licensed under - Creative Commons - Attribution 2.0 Generic. These images are courtesy of - Daniel Zedda

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