Download SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template

7:36 AM


SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template is a fully featured, premium, Bootstrap Admin Template with Modern Flat Style.
Built with LESS, delivered with LESS and CSS Files.
If you looking for dashboard template for your application SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template is perfect solution for you. SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template contains many plugins and widgets ex. charts, chats, weekly Stats, last users, To-Do list, support tickets and many more, so your app will be look awesome.
SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template based on Bootstrap 3 from Twitter. It works on all major browsers and optimizes itself for tablets and mobile phones.
SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template support Retina Displays, all elements look amazing!
SimpliQ Flat & Responsive Admin Template contains over 500 high resolution icons:
  • Glyphicons PRO (SVG, PNG, Font Face) - you save $59
  • Font Awesome (Font Face)

Main Features

  1. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3
  2. Retina Display Support tested on iPhone 4+, iPad3+, MacBook PRO with Retina Display
  3. Responsive Design, looks great on: Desktops, Tablet Devices, Mobile Devices
  4. Integrated charts (jQuery Flot, jQuery Sparklines) ex. Weekly Stats, Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers, Statistics
  5. Flat Buttons, Sliders & Progress Bars
  6. Many Widgets, ex. Weekly Stats, Last Users, To-Do List, Support Tickets, Chats
  7. Integrated calendar (jQuery FullCalendar)
  8. jQuery Uniform
  9. Growl Notifications (jQuery Gritter)
  10. Glyphicons PRO 1.8
  11. Font Awesome 3
  12. Tables (jQuery datables)
  13. File Manager
  14. jQuery Knob (IE9+)
  15. Many More....


  1. jQuery
  2. jQuery Migrate
  3. jQuery UI
  4. jQuery Touch Punch
  5. Modernizr
  6. FullCalendar
  7. DataTables
  8. Excanvas
  9. jQuery Flot
  10. JustGage
  11. Chosen
  12. Uniform
  13. jQuery Noty
  14. elFinder
  15. jQuery raty
  16. Uploadify
  17. Gritter
  18. Imagesloaded
  19. masonry
  20. knob
  21. jQuery Sparkline
  22. autosize
  23. placeholder
  24. FuelUX

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